Arthrostim Adjusting in Centennial
In the field of chiropractic medicine, technological innovations are constantly providing new methods for delivering effective treatment. Chiropractors face a variety of patients daily, each with distinct anatomical structures, sensitivities, and thresholds for pain. Consequently, standard manual adjustments might not be universally effective for all patients. To address this variability, the ArthroStim Instrument emerges as a cutting-edge solution for chiropractic adjustments.
The ArthroStim Instrument, a state-of-the-art handheld tool, aids chiropractors in performing targeted adjustments with high precision. This powerful device can execute 12-14 incremental thrusts per second, far exceeding the capabilities of traditional single-thrust methods. The instrument’s design enables the dispersion of adjustment force over several rapid thrusts, enhancing the comfort and effectiveness of the treatment. This allows for the application of force to be finely adjusted to the individual needs of each patient, ensuring a more gentle and efficient adjustment process.